
01:40 What is BI? To whom is it recommended?
03:22 When is it recommended to implement BI?
07:30 Benefits of BI
10:56 Pros of BI Yandex DataLens
14:55 BI capabilities of Yandex DataLens
17:42 Konsu experience
21:46 First results of BI implementation
24:15 Dashboard example: Account balances
26:22 Dashboard example: Cash flow
27:10 Dashboard example: Accounts Receivable
28:57 Dashboard example: Gross Margin
30:00 Dashboard example: Revenue
31:11 Dashboard example: Store chain sales on a map
31:58 Graphs and charts – examples
33:50 Question: Where is the data stored?
34:52 Question: What products did you choose from?
37:10 Question Are there any disadvantages you encountered?


Date and time

15:00-16:00 MSK






MS Teams

Speakers & Topics

Natalia Zhakova

  • Team leader, business systems development group

A simple way to visualize data in Yandex BI

  • What is BI and when is it needed?
  • Pros of BI on the example of Yandex DataLens
  • BI capabilities of Yandex DataLens
  • Konsu experience and examples of dashboards