Setting up the client's internal workflow process in terms of providing expense reports


Russian company LLC.

Type of activity: service services on previously supplied equipment.


Brief description of the situation:

  • Irregular submission of expense reports by employees.
  • Errors in expense reports and documents, and signatures are missing.
  • As a result, there are unconfirmed amounts of expenses in the accounting and there are unconfirmed debts of employees to the company.

Required: Reduce the time for submission of expense reports for accounting, reduce the number of errors and absent documents

Work stages

  • Analyzing the situation and document flow, searching for problematic processes.
  • Participation in drafting travel policies.
  • Clarification work, meetings. Familiarization of employees with internal regulations (by signature).
  • Regular mailing with reminders to debtors on expense reports with notification of heads of departments and Director General.
  • Systematized actions on terms of documents processing by accountant and archiver.
  • A new procedure of actions for the archiver and accountant in case of errors was introduced.
  • Memos were made for all participants of the process.

Result: Reduction of expenses not taken into account in the calculation of income tax, reduction of time to reflect in expense report in accounting and appearance of up-to-date information on employee debts.

Efficiency of Business Processes

The business processes of any organization are aimed at generating profit and achieving goals. When developing a company, it is crucial to monitor the efficiency and relevance of processes, as over time, processes become outdated and do not contribute to the company's development. Loops, unnecessary movements, and other losses may occur.
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Transfer and centralization of accounting from 1C:Accounting & Axapta into 1C:ERP


  • Production of building materials and metal products
  • Primary ERP - Axapta
  • Accounting in 1C:Accounting software


Switching from Axapta to 1C:ERP, data transfer from  1C:Accounting into 1C:ERP, moving all 1C databases to Konsu's cloud, tech support.

  • Implementation period - 4 months

Implementation stages

  • Export of data from Axapta in .xls format in the context of analytics
  • Adaptation of the data transfer system to the existing templates
  • Uploading to new 1C:ERP and combining data from directories and balances from two sources: 1C:Accounting and Axapta.
  • Analysis of business processes and adaptation of 1C:ERP for the processes
  • Consultations and trainings for the employees of the client