01:54 Introduction to military record-keeping in organizations. Changes in 2023
02:23 Regulatory acts on the basis of which military record-keeping is conducted
03:30 Fines for employers and employees for violations in the field of military record-keeping
06:06 Who are conscripts (draftees) and who is subject to military record-keeping
10:30 Military record-keeping for residents abroad (and those who leave for more than 6 months), individual entrepreneurs, and part-time employees
13:55 Types of military record-keeping: general and special
14:34 Documents for military record-keeping
company registration for military record-keeping
determination of the region for military record-keeping
25:10 Employer responsibilities – reporting to the draft board, maintaining records, and a plan for military record-keeping work
29:30 Recommendations for contracts with non-residents. Currency control
30:35 Settlements with non-residents for import and export contracts (goods, services)
32:30 Important elements of import and export contracts
34:00 Changes that need to be registered and added to Section 1 of the banking control statement
35:23 Recording deviations and the inability to fulfill obligations under import and export contracts
37:12 Loan agreement settlements
38:22 Recording deviations and the inability to fulfill obligations under loan agreements
39:30 Offsetting reciprocal claims in other ways
41:15 Settlements with non-residents not through the bank where the contract is registered
44:24 Answers to questions
45:20 Will the minimum conscription age change from 18 to 21?
46:07 If a female employee concealed her medical education during hiring (for example, she applied for a secretary position), should military record-keeping be conducted for her?
47:10 What fines will there be if the company does not register for military record-keeping?
47:56 Is it necessary to submit reports to the draft board if there are no draftees or conscripts in the company (is zero reporting required)?
49:10 Will the employer be responsible if the employee does not present a military specialty diploma? Does the employer have the right to refuse employment in case of refusal to provide such a diploma?
50:50 Is it necessary to register a separate division with the draft board, or can it be conducted for the parent company?
51:24 Is it mandatory for companies to register with the draft board?
52:00 What will happen if you do not register or maintain military record-keeping?
52:32 In what cases can the draft board conduct inspections?
54:35 Can notifications of hiring/firing/changes be submitted by mail?
54:55 Will the employer be held responsible if the employee does not provide information to the employer?
56:03 The organization has never reported on military record-keeping. Where to start and what needs to be done?
57:56 Our bank does not conduct transactions in euros. How to transfer money to a non-resident contractor?
58:56 Within what timeframe is it necessary to provide data on changes in the CEO for military record-keeping?
1:00:17 Are there limits on the remaining funds when transferring to non-resident contractors?
1:01:27 In what cases is it necessary to provide SV0 to the bank?
1:01:50 In what cases should SV2 be submitted to the bank?
1:02:35 Military record-keeping for employees permanently residing abroad. What to do with them?
1:04:25 There are no military record-keeping marks in the passport, and it does not provide any information. What should the employer do?
1:05:30 The woman’s passport has no marks, and no diploma is provided. What should the employer do?
1:06:30 The employee does not report changes in their status. What should the employer do?
1:07:44 Are the bank’s requirements for compliance with the 10 million per month threshold when settling legally valid?
1:08:09 Is it necessary to submit SV0 to all banks?
1:08:47 Citizen reservation database. If the company is listed, is it necessary to notify the change of CEO?
1:11:33 A power of attorney for military record-keeping – only for relatives or anyone?
1:12:07 If an employee is not of conscription age but has no marks in the passport, is it necessary for them to go to get the mark?
1:12:45 What to do if an employee conceals their education or the existence of military record-keeping documents?
1:14:00 An employee presents a passport with an empty 13th page. What should the employer do?
1:15:34 An employee not of conscription age refers to paragraph 3 of the military service law and refuses to have the mark in the passport about removal. What should be done?
1:16:58 If we have 20 female waitresses with no education, do we need to check each one for the presence of military specialty marks?
1:19:10 At what age does a man cease to be subject to conscription if he has never been on military record-keeping?
Question about military registration and reporting for company branches and rep. offices
Question: The Moscow City Administration has issued us a certificate stating that we are registered in the citizen reservation database, and the certificate is valid until November 1, 2024. However, an employee of the City Administration claims that we should re-submit the enterprise card when opening a separate division and register it with the administration when changing the general director. Is this true, and is it confirmed by legislative acts? In other words, if we open separate divisions every month during the validity of the registration certificate with the Administration, do we need to register each separate division there?
Answer: Regarding military accounting of separate divisions, there are no regulatory guidelines. It is not prohibited to conduct military accounting either by the regions where the separate divisions are located or by a single region where the main division is located. We recommend coordinating the issue of military accounting for separate divisions with your draft board and the City Administration, as there may be specific practices followed by specific draft boards/City Administrations.
If the separate division is not a legal entity, there is no need to separately register it for military accounting and submit an organization accounting card in Form 18. The military accounting for the separate division is the responsibility of the main enterprise.
Date and time
October 26, 2023
15:00-16:30 MSK
MS Teams
Speakers and topics
Ekaterina Matyushkova
- Head of the HR administration team
Basic provisions and rules for maintaining military records of employees in organizations. Changes in 2023
- regulations
- fines, sanctions
- who is subject to military registration: categories of persons liable for military duty
- Military registration for those residing abroad, employees in employment, part-time workers
Organization of military record keeping in the company
- types of military registration
- documentation for maintaining military records
- employer responsibilities
Olga Babayan
- Team leader of the Accounting and Reporting Outsourcing Department
Recommendations on contracts with non-residents within the framework of currency control
- settlements with non-residents under import contracts
- settlements with non-residents under export contracts
- settlements under loan agreements
- set-off of counterclaims
- settlements with non-residents not through the bank of NOC registration