Dispute resolution
We are ready to provide full support both at the stage of pre-trial settlement and at the stage of representing the interests of our clients in courts of various instances:
- Legal opinions on the prospects of the dispute
- Pre-trial dispute resolution
- Preparation of claims/complaints/applications to the court
- Preparation of objections to claims
- Appeal/cassation/supervisory complaints
- Representing interests in court
- Representing interests in the framework of enforcement proceedings
- Disputes with a foreign element
- Corporate disputes
- Labor disputes
- Bankruptcy case disputes
- Disputes on various contracts

Pre-trial settlement
From our point of view, the most important thing is to provide assistance in resolving disputes that have arisen at the stage of pre-trial settlement, which allows reducing costs and saving time for our clients significantly. We provide the following services:
- Analysis of documents related to the subject of a potential or existing dispute and drawing up a legal opinion on the prospects for resolving the dispute in court based on the analysis;
- Preparation of documents and implementation of the necessary actions to comply with the mandatory pre-trial procedure for settling the dispute;
- Preparation of a reasoned objection to the pre-trial claim received by the client.
We recommend including provisions on pre-trial settlement of disputes in contracts with counterparties.

Our lawyers have extensive experience in litigation and are ready to provide the following services:
- Preparation of a statement of claim/complaint/application for issue of a court order, etc., necessary for applying to the court of first instance, implementation of other necessary procedural actions;
- Preparation of reasoned objections to statements of claim on existing disputes;
- Preparation of appeals/cassation/supervisory complaints against judicial acts of courts of lower instances, as well as responses to such complaints;
- Representing the interests of the client as a representative directly in the courts of any instances (participation in court sessions, familiarization with the case materials, etc.);
- Representing the interests of the client in the framework of enforcement proceedings;
- Disputes with foreign elements;
- Corporate disputes;
- Labour disputes;
- Disputes in the field of intellectual property;
- Bankruptcy case disputes;
- Disputes under supply, contractor, services, lease, transportation, forwarding, insurance, leasing agreements/contracts, on unjust enrichment, disputes due to infliction of harm, appeals against rulings in cases of administrative offenses, etc.

About us
Our lawyers not only have an in-depth knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements in Kazakhstan, but also speak several foreign languages and have a good understanding of the specifics of the client’s business culture. We work with companies operating in various sectors of the economy, thanks to which we have extensive experience in resolving disputes in a wide variety of business sectors, such as construction, trade, information technology, retail, services, etc.
Our experience in court and out-of-court dispute resolution includes cases related to the settlement of property and tax disputes, commercial and contractual disputes, corporate disputes, protection of business reputation, bankruptcy procedures, settlement of claims from consumers and claims to the quality of goods and services.
We pay special attention to judicial review of tax disputes and disagreements with state tax authorities. We already have extensive experience in this area, gained due to working closely with our partners from the accounting, payroll and HR outsourcing departments.
Once judgments are rendered, we help our clients enforce them by using the most efficient and effective methods for this purpose.
Leading positions
Konsu is one of the leading consulting companies in Russia. We have been included in the following ratings of the rating agency Expert RA:
- Top-10 in accounting outsourcing
- Top-10 in payroll outsourcing
- Top-15 in financial consulting
- Top-15 in legal consulting

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