Amendments to the Rules of rendering the state service “State registration of legal entities, record registration of their branches and representative offices”

An application procedure for the State registration of legal entities has been introduced for small and medium-sized enterprises instead of a notification procedure.

The Rules are also supplemented with a case when changes and additions to the registration data of a legal entity, branch (representative office) are made in case of changes in contact information (telephone number, e-mail address). These changes are made automatically on the basis of an electronic notification.

For state registration of legal entities related to small businesses with foreign participation, a copy of passport or other document certifying the identity of the foreign founder with a notarized translation into Kazakh and Russian languages, as well as a document confirming the right to register a commercial organization in the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Migration of Population” shall be provided.

Failure to submit the above documents is grounds for refusal of state registration.

In connection with the above changes, it will be mandatory to provide documents confirming the legality of entrepreneurial activities of foreign individuals and legal entities (business visa of category C5 or temporary residence permit (TPR) for foreign individuals; extract from the commercial register confirming the registration of a foreign legal entity) during registration, re-registration of legal entities or registration actions.

Changes in the Rules for issuance of visas in Kazakhstan

Since November 17, 2024, amendments to the Rules of issuance of visas of Kazakhstan have come into force.

New categories of visas have been introduced which simplify the process of entry of foreign investors and in-demand specialists to Kazakhstan.

New visa categories in Kazakhstan

Visa A6: Investor visa

Visa category A6 is intended for foreign businessmen who have invested more than 300 thousand US dollars in the economy of Kazakhstan. This visa is issued by Kazakhstan’s foreign agencies for a period of up to 10 years on the basis of an invitation from a local company.

Visa B9: For in-demand occupations

The B9 category visa is issued to foreigners possessing in-demand professions for a period of up to 90 calendar days.

The visa is issued by the foreign offices of Kazakhstan, as well as in Kazakhstan by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the basis of the following documents:

1) application;

2) a copy of the diploma of education corresponding to the list of in-demand professions for foreigners to obtain a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan according to Annex 2 to the order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan from February 20, 2023 № 49.

The specified visa is also issued in the territory of Kazakhstan for foreigners or stateless persons staying in Kazakhstan from countries with which there are international treaties on visa-free entry procedures ratified by Kazakhstan, citizens of the states provided for in paragraph 17 of the Rules of entry and stay of immigrants in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as their departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 21, 2012 № 148.

Visa B9-1: Digital Nomad Visa

The B9-1 Digital Nomad Visa is intended for foreign persons with in-demand professions traveling to Kazakhstan to obtain a permanent residence permit.

Single-entry electronic visa is issued through the Visa and Migration Portal (VMP) on the basis of an invitation.

Multiple-entry visa up to 1 year is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RK on the basis of a petition of the authorized body in the field of informatization, as well as previously issued single-entry electronic visa.

List of in-demand professions for foreigners to obtain a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Classification of the field of education Occupation group of the national classifier 01-2017 Name of profession
Healthcare 2217-4-001 Neurosurgeon
2211-7-002 Hematologist physician
2211-7-004 Medical oncologist
2215-2-002 Neonatologist doctor
2212-1-001 Endocrinologist doctor
2212-7-001 Anesthesiologist-reanimatologist
2214-8-001 Obstetrician-gynecologist
2215-1-001 Pediatrician
2216-3-002 Doctor of radial diagnostics
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries 2145-9-005 Research engineer in the technology of non-organic substances
2145-9-006 Research engineer in the technology of organic substances
2145-9-007 Research engineer in pharmaceutical industry
2146-9-006 Mineral preparation research engineer
2144-4-023 Aviation engineer
2144-5-003 Space System Hardware and Software Engineer
2149-9-001 Engineer on implementation of new equipment and technology
2149-9-002 Engineer on laser equipment
2149-9-011 Research Engineer on pulp, paper, printing and fiber production technology
2149-9-012 Medical Radiochemical Engineer
2149-9-013 Medical Physics Engineer
2149-9-015 Textile raw material classifier
2131-5-001 Bacteriologist
In the digital development, innovation and aerospace industries 2521-2-001 Information technology-infrastructure architect
2511-3-001 Software Architect
2512-1-007 Software Developer
2512-1-008 Software Product Support Specialist
2512-2-003 Mobile Application Developer
2512-3-001 Computer games developer
2519-9-001 Artificial Intelligence Engineer
2521-1-003 Big Data Specialist
2523-0-006 Information Systems Architect
2519-9-002 Application Programmer
2511-2-001 Information and Communication Technology Business Analyst
2512-1-001 Software Designer
2512-1-003 Information and Communication Technology Project Manager
2524-0-003 Information Security Engineer
2529-0-001 Cloud Computing Specialist
2141-3-001 Automation Engineer
2512-2-001 World Wide Web Developer
2512-1-005 Programmer-analyst
2317-0-003 Instructor, Associate Professor, Professor of Information Technology and Software Engineering, Higher Education Institution
2524-0-007 Information security specialist
2522-0-003 Server administrator
2512-2-004 Application Developer
2524-0-006 Information Protection Specialist
Pedagogical Sciences 2338-1-001 Master of Apprenticeship (Engineering and Engineering)
In the creative industries industry 2166-1 Graphic Designer
2166-2 Graphic Animation Technician
2651-3-004 Illustrator
3521-2-004 Sound engineer
3521-3-003 Video editor

 Visa В12-1: Neo Nomad Visa

Visa B12-1 is intended for foreign tourists combining work and travel, working remotely and having permanent income from foreign sources.

The visa is issued by the Kazakhstani authorities on the basis of an invitation, if available:

  1. a bank statement for the past 6 months, confirming a stable monthly income of more than 3000 USD;
  2. a tax return issued by the competent authority of the country of citizenship;
  3. a document confirming the absence of a criminal record, issued by the authorized body of the country of citizenship or permanent residence;
  4. medical insurance covering the requested period of validity of the visa.

Amendments to the Rules of implementation of personal data protection measures by the owner and (or) operator, as well as by a third party

Since January 8, 2025, additions regarding the location of servers for storage of personal data on the territory of Kazakhstan have been enacted:

Paragraph 9 of the Rules determines that the storage of personal data contained in electronic information resources is carried out by the owner and (or) operator, as well as by a third party in an electronic database located in a server room or data processing center located in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the adoption of the necessary measures for the protection of personal data according to the Rules.