Search Follow us Subscribe to our newsletter News13.11.2020Choosing a business structure in Russia News07.10.2020Employers in Moscow must have 30% of their employees working remotely from October 5 News29.09.2020Changes in VAT relief for foreign companies in 2021 Events10.09.2020Conference – New developments in the taxation of IT trade between Belarus and Russia News26.08.2020Entry procedure for Highly Qualified Specialists during the period of restrictions related to COVID-19 News12.08.2020Amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: Tax Residence and Rates for IT companies News12.08.2020Federal Tax Service explanations of control over expenses for intragroup services News28.07.2020Conditions for hiring foreign students have been simplified News22.07.2020Law on electronic visa to the Russian Federation adopted by the State Duma News13.07.2020New forms for temporary residence permit and permanent residence permit News26.06.2020Updates on temporary migration measures during pandemic in Russia News29.04.2020How to get RUB 12,130 from the Russian government for each employee News06.04.2020Legislation changes and measures adopted due to the COVID-19 pandemic News06.04.2020Amendments to the corporate law due to COVID-19 pandemic News30.03.2020How to reduce labor costs without layoffs News26.03.2020How Konsu works on the week 14 (March 30 – April 3) News23.03.2020From March 26 people over the age of 65 or with a chronic illness residing in Moscow and the Moscow region are to stay at home News18.03.2020How employers should act amidst the spread of coronavirus