From September 2024, a large block of changes will be introduced to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • on the temporary transfer of employees to another employer,
  • on wage debts,
  • vacations for disabled employees, and overtime pay.

In addition to the amendments to the Labor Code, the provisions of departmental acts adopted at the end of last year will come into force.

Temporary transfer of employees

A new separate chapter will be introduced into the Labour Code of the Russian Federation which will regulate the rules for the temporary transfer of employees to another employer on the referral of the employment service.

At the moment, the rules of temporary transfer to another employer are established by the Government Resolution No. 511 of 30.03.2022. The norms that will be enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are similar to the Resolution, except for a few minor details. Temporary transfer is possible with the consent of the employee if the employment center receives:

  • a request from the employer about the need for temporary transfer to him of employees from another organization;
  • information from the employer about downtime, i.e. suspension of operations.

The employee who will be offered a temporary transfer will have to give his/her answer within 7 working days. Now this term is not defined.

Recall: A temporary employer concludes a fixed-term employment contract with the employee with the possibility of extension until 01.01.2025. The extension requires the consent of the main employer.

In this case, the labor contract with the main employer is not suspended, the contract continues to operate.

This will enable employees to retain the right to accrued vacation.

Contract for the provision of personnel

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation will introduce norms on the conclusion of a contract for the provision of personnel (temporary transfer).

In particular:

  • will introduce conditions mandatory for inclusion in the personnel provision contract;
  • restrictions will be introduced for sending employees to the receiving party, i.e. dangerous and harmful working conditions;
  • state control over the work of private employment agencies will be strengthened.

Wage arrears

Wage arrears will be fought by tightening control. In addition to labor inspections, interdepartmental commissions that have already begun their work will perform this function.

In general, it is planned to:

  • Strengthen the work on prevention and monitoring of employers, conduct explanatory work and assist in the repayment of debts to employees.
  • More frequent prosecution for violation of wage payment deadlines.

Vacation of disabled persons

For employees with disabilities, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will establish a minimum period for annual paid vacation of at least 30 calendar days.

In this respect, in essence, nothing changes. The norm that used to apply under the Law on Social Protection of Disabled Persons will be enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Time off upon dismissal

The current version of the Russian Labor Code does not provide for an employer’s obligation to pay for time off when an employee is dismissed. This will be corrected: new provisions will appear in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliging the employer to make payment of monetary compensation for time off at the final settlement with the employee, this applies in particular to overtime work and work on a day off or a non-working holiday.

Quotas for disabled persons will be updated

According to Federal Law No. 565-FZ of 12.12.2023, regional authorities have the right to establish quotas for employers with more than 35 employees – from 2% to 4% of the average number of employees. The quotas will differ depending on the sector of the regional economy.